FREE (In Honor of MLK Day)

Hello to All & Happy MLK Day!!! Back in 2019 before I launched MAW POEMS, my friend Tanzania Vinson recommended that I connect with a friend of hers, Missy Burton, an extremely talented artist & photographer. Missy was getting ready to present a showing of her latest inspirational work called F.R.E.E. When she sent me the invite below, I was so inspired that I wrote the poem next to it and was pleasantly surprised that she wanted to use it. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I wanted to share it today with a couple thoughts. The chains that bind us can come in many forms. Certainly, I wrote this poem with slavery in mind and what the man depicted in the photo may have been thinking. The first line in my opinion is the most powerful because it can apply to so many circumstances today, whether it be slavery, civil rights, voting rights, women rights, LGBTQ rights, social injustice, mental health & human rights, and so on. If we as Americans and as human beings are going to move forward together, we must “Free These Chains That Bind Us” and as Dr. Martin Luther King famously wrote in his I Have A Dream Speech “Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty we are free at last” Please check out Missy’s work at Be well & stay safe – MAW🙏🏿

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