We Really Hate COVID19

Each day this disease kicks you deeper in the gut with the amount of sick and dead and the families devastated!!! along with this we see the staggering number of African Americans this disease has taken and it’s quite disturbing. As our country sees this unthinkable amount of unemployment and businesses going under, I think it’s hard for many of us to hold it together, but we will get through this TOGETHER🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 I also feel sorry for all the kids, especially the high school and college students missing out on their proms and graduations that they won’t get another opportunity to participate in🙁 This is the 2nd of 3 poems I promised and is definitely cutting no corners with how we feel about how this virus has affected us. I’d like to especially thank my dear friend Michael M. for reading “We Really Hate COVID19” ❤️ Stay Safe & Strong – MAW

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