I Wonder If You Can

I’ve been blest to have some great colleagues at work who I can also call friends and my next reader certainly qualifies as one of them. He’s been such a big supporter from day one and his friendship means a lot to me, so I want to thank him for choosing the poem “I Wonder If You Can” to read❤️ Like the last poem, this was my idealistic and optimistic view of what I wish our world can be. I post in several FB groups and someone made the comment “That is Impossible” to my last video “Free This World” to which I replied “Maybe, but we can still dream” because if we lose hope and faith that things can change then how would we even get through what the world is currently going through. As a good friend always says “Dreaming is Free” and it is 🙂 Please stay safe – MAW POEMS🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

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