I’m sure I can bet that 100% of the people reading this would admit that they’ve had STRESS or is currently STRESSED, and unfortunately this is a part of life. I’m also sure that 100% of us would rather not be STRESSED if possible, so the real key is how we deal with it when it occurs. There would be an unfathomable amount of answers because we are all different. I wrote this poem with this idea in mind because I think we can all agree that some handle their stress and of course the cause of that stress better than others, including me. I recently met a really nice lady and now friend on a recent trip to Vermont and she was so cool to agree to read a poem that she picked this one just from the title that spoke to her, and in front of others I might add. She has a professional career and is also a wife and mom (Super Woman)❤️❤️❤️ Of course I could not resist this fireplace again, so here is my friend Lindsay reading ” I Am Stressed”

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